Tuesday, May 27, 2014


For once what I have to say is not about me and my tatting, but about other tatters. This weekend I went to a square dance festival. Square dances are organized in 'tips' with breaks in between. Usually during the breaks there is round dancing, which is somewhat related to square dancing but not the same. I don't round dance, so I pulled out my tatting during these breaks, which sparked several conversations with interested observers. One of these was a gentleman who had learned to tat himself a year or two ago. He told me about the projects he had completed, including the WIP that did him in. Unfortunately he hasn't tatted for months because he is stuck on a confusing diagram. It was great to meet someone else interested enough in the craft to have taught himself, and I can only hope he gets unstuck soon.

The other tatter I want to talk about is not someone I met but someone I read about in this article. She has been tatting for NINETY-THREE YEARS. Ninety-three years. Ninety-three years. Can you imagine? It's amazing.


Michelle said...

93 years! Wow! One of my big fears in life is developing arthritis so that I couldn't tat. I'm just coming up on the end of my 35th year as a tatter. This gives me hope for many more! Don't you just want to send her more balls of colorful thread (special occasion thread, that made me chuckle) and one of La Cosette's beautiful shuttles?

Margarets designer cards said...

93 years, well is hope I can tat until I am a 103, I have been tatting for 43 years this year, A few more to go before I can get near her amount.
I think she should get a world record for that many years. Guinness world records where are you?

Julie Romero said...

Thank you for sharing that article...Wow! She is amazing :-)

Kathy Niklewicz said...

I agree with Margaret - some kind of world record! I wonder if she has any idea about the internet, and that, thanks to you, we are all learning about her!

I'm intrigued that a "tractor" magazine would have so many articles about all kinds of needlecrafts! I'll be checking out the site again! Thanks for bringing it to our attention! And it's fun to read that you're also tatting at your square dances!